Thursday, June 14, 2012

Guatemala - June 2012

This is a photo of kids at the school that we stayed at.  Although our primary mission was to build houses, we had an opportunity each morning to visit with the students.  On Monday morning, they greeted us with an amazing drum ensemble.

Here we are - full of energy and ready to build.  Check out that view in the back! 

This is the location of the two houses we built.  The property is all owned by the same family.  One house is for a father and mother, and the other house was for his son and his new family.   We originally had planned to divide our team into two teams, but as you can see the two houses were about 10 feet away from one another.

Here we are after the concrete has been poured.  One of my jobs in the early going was to carry buckets of rocks and sand from the top of the hill down to the building location.

Frames are up and siding is going on. I spent a lot of time working on siding.  Lots of hammers and nails.

Here we are in front of our finished houses.  I was blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people.  We laughed, we cried, we encouraged one another, and we learned a lot.  

We are dedicating the new house.  Each time a house is built, a Casas por Cristo name plate goes above the door frame.  Casas' 4000th home was built just prior to our trip (mostly in Mexico).  Casas has been going to Guatemala just in the past year, and have  built about 40 houses in San Raimundo, Guatemala.  

So, by Tuesday evening, we realized that we were going to finish our project with a day and a half to spare.  So we decided to ...

build a third house!! 

Here is the family that was blessed with the third house.  One of my favorite aspects of this trip is thinking about the moment they found out we were coming.  They had probably  been on a waiting list for months (if not years), and all of a sudden someone comes by asking if they are ready for a new house.  36 hours later, they had a house!  I can't imagine what that must have been like for the family.

This is a photo of the neighborhood where the third house was built.

This is one of my favorite pictures from the trip.  At my school, it is fairly common knowledge to my students that I like to talk kids out of soccer and into cross country.  Even the US border can't stop me from trying!!  My students will get a kick out of this photo.

Another part of this trip that I really enjoyed was that I got to experience it with some of my students from school.  I had three former students with me, and two future students.  Here are some of them in action: 

This is Grace.  She will be in my class next year.  She really enjoyed spending time with the local kids.  As you can see, the kids enjoyed her too! 

Here is Grace (when the Graces were together, they are referred to as Grace squared). Grace is a former student and a super hard worker. 

Eric is one of the few students to ever earn 100% in my math class.  Unlike his math teacher, he can put his knowledge to good use!  Eric also ran on the cross country team with me these past two years.

This is Maggie.  She was in my Algebra class two years ago.  Maggie grew up in Mexico and was our resident Spanish translator.  Maggie's generosity knows no bounds.  

Me and my new buddy Kate.  She is full of energy and lots of fun.  She sure has a great, summer story to share when she gets back to school!

Here is Mark (left) working hard.  Mark was a friend to all on this trip, and didn't mind getting his hands dirty.

Going into to this trip, I was hoping to lead, perhaps inspire these kids.  In the end, they inspired me.  How amazing to have such servants hearts at such a young age.

Words and pictures are not enough to describe all that happened during this week.  One of the things that resonated through me over the course of the week is something that Pastor Dan said.  To love Jesus, is to serve and love His people.  Whether we are in Guatemala, West Lafayette, or anywhere else - we all have the opportunity to do this on a daily basis.  Shaun Groves (musician) sums it up beautifully in his song Jesus.  Click HERE TO LISTEN.

Thank you all for your prayers and support.  I will leave you with pictures of the people you served this past week.  Thanks to you, they are sleeping in a new house tonight.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Twilight by Shaun Groves

Listen to: Twilight

Read Lyrics for: Twilight

Visit: Shaun Groves' Website

Shaun Groves on Tour

Buy Twilight: New or Used

Disclaimer: I realize I posted a Shaun Groves song two times ago, but when I thought enters my mind about a song, I must post about it. Secondly, I figured that if I post about the song "Twilight", I am sure to gain an audience of thousands of 10-30 year old females. (Yeah, you know you are here 18-30 year old female). Anyways, I digress...

Major League Baseball held its annual All-Star Game this past week. If you are familiar with baseball, you already know that the game "counts". The league that wins the All-Star Game gains home field advantage during the World Series. Many baseball purists do not like this because this one game in July really has nothing to do with the World Series. Before this rule was in place, the All Star Game was merely an exhibition.

The problem is that the way the players are selected and the way the game in managed is still as if it were an exhibition. One player from each team must be represented, the best pitcher on each team only pitches one or two innings at most, and managers do their best to let every player play. This means the lesser skilled players are in at the end of the game. Baseball wants the best of both worlds, they want the game to mean something, but they also want every player and team to have a turn to bat.

What does this have to do with Twilight? Twilight is the time between the dying night and the dawning day. It is this in between state that is a perfect metaphor for my life. I am constantly torn between my way and God's way. I am stuck in twilight. I want to be in the light, but I cling to the darkness.

Matthew 5:8 says, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God". To see God, we must have a singular focus. We can't allow ourselves to live in this Twilight. I think when we try to defeat sin, we focus so much on the sin itself that it consumes us. Instead of focusing on the dark part of our lives, we must turn our focus on the pursuit of righteousness. Pursue God with a singular mind and a singular focus. "...Oh rid my soul of twilight".

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Brother's Keeper by Rich Mullins

Listen to: Brother's Keeper (Live) {begin at 6:10 mark}

* If you have time, I encourage you to watch the entire
concert. If you begin with Part I, you will find that
Part II, Part III, (and so on) continue after each part

Read Lyrics for: Brother's Keeper

Buy Brother's Keeper: New or Used

Buy Songs 2: New or Used

Buy Rich Mullins Live (Video) from 1997

I am a math teacher and I coach various sports at my school. I enjoy being a teacher. I love the youthful enthusiasm of my students. I enjoy watching students learn. I like getting to know my students and I especially enjoy taking interests in their hobbies, sports, and activities.

One of the things that bothers me about school is that everything is a competition. We have honor rolls, National Honors Society, sports awards evenings, scholarships, A teams and B teams, and cut lists in sports and even in Math Counts. We even have awards for teachers. We clap for each other at faculty meetings, give Golden Apples, and have Presidential teaching awards. It seems that we live in a society in which everyone needs to be rewarded for something. We honor and regard those who have skill and strength.

On the other hand, students also get picked on for their weaknesses. Maybe it is a bad grade, they did not make it into an Honors class with their friends, or they only made the B team. It seems like our schools (and society) really like to judge one another based on our strengths and weaknesses. I think most of us have been in both situations. No one likes to be disregarded. But what about the honors? Do they even last for ever? Do we really want to be regarded by others simply by what we can offer?

Instead, God calls us to love each other for who we are. Jesus does this. He doesn't love me more if I win a marathon or get nominated for the Golden Apple award. He loves me just the way that He made me. He loves me just as I am. Wouldn't the world be a better place if we could love one another that way?

Rich Mullins sings about being our "brother's keeper." Instead of celebrating strengths, and judging weaknesses, let's love each other for who we are. Despite of our brother's strengths and weaknesses, let's "help him learn to stand", as Rich sang.


About Rich Mullins

If you are not familiar with Rich Mullins, he was a Christian song who wrote many songs that you may know well. He wrote "Step by Step" and "Awesome God", among others. On September 19th, 1997, Rich Mullins died in a car accident. He and his friend Mitch McVicker were traveling to a concert. McVicker, though badly hurt, survived the crash. McVicker still sings today and has a great testimony if you ever get a chance to see him play live. Even in his death, Mullins' music still lives on. Andrew Peterson and many other current musicians credit Rich as their main musical influence.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Jesus by Shaun Groves

Listen to: Jesus

Read Lyrics for: Jesus

Visit Shaun Groves' Web Site

Shaun Groves on Tour

Buy Twilight: New or Used

I thought this song would be fitting for the holiday season. Let's remember how fortunate we are and be thankful for the gifts God has given us. Let's also remember to give back to those who are less fortunate than us. Jesus spent his time on this earth with people who were sick, poor, and weak. To love Jesus, is to love these people.

"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

Mark 2:4

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Your Hands by JJ Heller

Listen to: Your Hands

Read Lyrics for: Your Hands

Visit JJ Heller's Website

JJ Heller on Tour

Buy Painted Red: New or Used

I guess I am going to break an unwritten rule that I had for this blog. It was bound to happen sooner or later. If you go back to my first post, I said that I wanted to share music that you would not hear on K-LOVE or other Christian radio stations. Well... it just so happens that I have heard this song on L-LOVE about 15 times in the past week or so. (Editor's Note: I never said I didn't listen to K-LOVE. I just want people to know that there is more to Christian music to the stuff you hear on the radio).

When I first heard this song I really though I was listening to Sandra McCracken (an artist I hope to share with you soon). After a little research, I found JJ Heller. This song is really good. I have listened to a few others of hers via a little friend I like to call "the Googles". I was surprised to see that this song is from her fourth album. While I am thrilled to find a new artist, it disappoints me that it took four albums for me to hear a song of hers. There are so many other artists out there that have not been discovered (by me at least). One of my goals of this blog was to motivate me to keep looking for new artists. I will count this as my first success. I encourage you to listen to JJ Heller and look for new artists like her. Let me know who you find.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nobody Wants to Work by Andy Gullahorn

Listen to: Nobody Wants to Work (Live)

Read Lyrics for: Nobody Wants to Work
(scroll down to second song)

Visit Andy Gullahorn's Website

Andy Gullahorn on Tour

Buy Reinventing the Wheel: New

The reason I posted this song is two-fold. First, I wanted to post a live version of a song. Christian music is so much better if experienced live. I highly recommend that you go watch one of these artists if you ever get the chance. I have seen Andy Gullahorn perform three times as a side kick to Andrew Peterson. I have been hoping for the chance to see him do his own show as he certainly has plenty of good material. His songs are rich in lyrics and often amusing.

Which leads me to my second reason. The whole point of this blog is to show you that Christian music does not have to be lame. Not only does it not have to be lame, but it can be entertaining and funny! Andy Gullahorn is a riot! He has a very sarcastic sense of humor that goes right up my alley. His CD's offer a mix of deep thought music and humor. Some of his songs have both. I hope you enjoy Nobody Wants to Work.

(my first hat)

Feel free to share with me a picture of your best hat!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We Win! by David Crowder Band

Listen to We Win!

Read Lyrics for We Win!

Visit David Crowder Band's Website

David Crowder Band on Tour

Buy A Collision: New or Used

I am reading from Hebrews again this week.

"For Jesus has been counted worthy of more glory than than Moses - as much more glory as the builder of a house has more honor than the house itself." - Hebrew 3:3

So I am watching the New York Yankees celebrate a World Series Championship at Yankee Stadium. The stadium is rocking, the fans are happy, and the players are celebrating like a bunch of 12 year olds. This is glory in its truest sense, right? What is better than this?

Humans are made to give glory. We celebrate our favorite teams, rock stars, athletes, and movie stars. We cheer until our throats hurt. We love to give glory to our heroes. But we were really made to give glory to each other? I believe we were made to give glory to Jesus. There are two really cool things about doing this.

1. Derek Jeter is human. Sure, he makes great plays in the field and is a star athlete, but what has he done for me? I am his fan, but he does not know me or care about me. Jesus knows my name. He cares about me. He is my fan.

2. Our human heroes let us down. Mitch Williams let down his Phillies fans. Chris Webber let down his teammates. Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa let down a nation. The fact is that humans will let us down. The good news is that Jesus never fails us. With Jesus, we win! "Because we've already won, and you don't have a chance!"

Let's spend some time this week giving glory to Jesus, our true hero, maker, and fan.